
Welcome to the EPI Quebec

This web site was created to inform and help people who have a EPI dog. Diagnosed or not yet diagnosed with Exocrine Pancréatique Insufficiency . We can also help you if your dog has stomach problems, diarrhea, sensitive stomach …

You can see the symptoms of this disease here.

On this blog, you will find answers, questions, testimonials, tips and advice to help stabilize your dog.

Unfortunately, even today, many veterinarians are still unfamiliar with EPI disease. Several of them will give you several tests that will not answer your concerns. Test plus tests ultimately make your finances very busy. However, the symptoms are very specific to the disease. Diarrhea, yellowish or dark mustard-colored stools, very fatty stools, strong appetite and weight loss.

Our goal :

The purpose of this blog is to help you orient yourself and help you make the right decisions, to do the right tests in the veterinary clinic, for the well-being of your dog and that of your finances. Tell your veterinarians about this blog as much as possible. So it is important to reach as many people as possible so that the symptoms of a dog caught with EPI are most accessible to all. A dog taken with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, treated well, can live a beautiful and long life.

A new Veterinary Section is currently under construction. EPI disease is not a very well known disease. Unfortunately, many veterinarians simply do not know it. With the new veterinary section, you will be able to refer your veterinarian to this section so that they can read it. We do not replace your veterinarian, but we help you to direct him towards the adequate tests to give your dog all the chances on his side.

You can also visit the Facebook group IPE Québec FR

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